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Elk hunting in Colorado's high country
Tarryall/Kenosha Mountains & Lost Park Wilderness Area

Weather information from weather stations near Tarryall

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Jason's slide show


From: Darrel Pearson
Date: Oct 26, 2011 5:42 PM
Subject: Elk Pics
To: Jason Hooper
Although I missed opening day, I was fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time on Sunday in the middle of the day.  Six cows emerged from the dark timber, apparently jumped by someone else, because they kept looking back and were skittish.  They were in single file and I shot the last one in line at 150 yards.  She dropped in her track.  No shade, no trees, alone, I got the guts out as fast as I could.  Skeeter and Christopher brought pack frames and helped skin and quarter and haul.
Very warm at 10,000 feet before I left.  Today, I'll bet there is 16 inches of snow on the ground.  The bar was set extremely high when Pops shot his elk opening morning at 85 years old.  I only hunted a little and was sore and tired and I'm not even 55 yet.  That gives me pause!


from George sievers
toglenn hooper
ccPeter Maski
dateWed, Oct 26, 2011 at 9:05 AM

hide details Oct 26 (4 days ago)

Fish Creek was good to us.  Three of us out on Thursday and back yesterday afternoon with my cow and Greg's 6x6.  Horses were mandatory to get to them and retrieval.  We had to chain up to get all the vehicles up from the canyon and on to the FS road.  Our friend Bob will go out after this storm is over, probably tomorrow.  Lots of work yet in the garage to butcher.  

Please pass these along to Mom.  

If you'll give me the link for that e-mail site you requested use through I'd be glad to send some mail your way.

Hope you both are well,



New -- DOW Videos

Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep from Colorado Division of Wildlife on Vimeo.

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