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Tarryall Elk Camp is located in the South Park area of Colorado. In most hunting seasons the camp is located in the Rock Creek drainage area at about an elevation of 10,000 to 11,000 feet. The Camp consists of the third and fourth generation of a group that is loosely related that have been hunting the area for over 70 years. The Spielman's, Brough's and Sutter's worked cattle ranches in the Tarryall's, worked with the Forest Service, CCC Camps, owned and operated sawmills, prospected and mined in the area from the early 1900s to the 1940s. In the 1930s Roy Vorhees grandparents had a home and raised potatoes near the current town of Tarryall. It's possible Correl Creek near Goose Creek and the Platte River is named after that family. Glen Brady worked for the Pike National Forest from about the 1940s to the 1960s. Some of the other oldtimers names that come to mind are Walter Zanzig, Ray Dunaway, John Crouch, Norm Steinberg, Bernie, Curtis and Ryan . This is not an outfitter sponsored group but a group that has enjoyed Colorado's God given breathtaking beauty and camaraderie only experienced by devoted hunters, and those that have a love affair with "Colorado's Winter Wonderland" and a nice warm tent. Well, most, nowadays that is, have their Motor Homes and Campers and all the creature comforts and gadgets that come with them. I sure don't hear much yearning for the good old days from that bunch. They prefer their GPS's and ATV's over the old compass and packhorses. If that's what it takes to enjoy this great outdoors so be it. The most important thing is just being there and enjoying the hunt with your good friends and relatives.


Midge Harbour's Book "The Tarryall Mountains and Puma Hills"

Several have asked if I knew where they could get a copy of Midge Harbour's book "The Tarryall Mountains and Puma Hills". I checked Barnes and Noble used book section on the Internet and found they have four copies listed as available. Let me know if you can't find them and I'll take another look.


Lost Park Mountain Man Rendezvous

August 9th, 2003

August 2nd to 9th 2003
Lost Park, Colorado (in the Pike National Forest)
9600 feet elevation
Presented by the Colorado State Muzzle Loading Association, the Rocky Mountain College is the rendezvous to attend before any others! Come on out and learn the ways of the early 19th century mountain men, such as:

Primitive camping and cooking skills
Making clothing
Flint knapping
Knife and tomahawk throwing
Shooting muzzle loading rifles and pistols
Setting up a tipi
Telling, I mean, stories
And much more!


TJ's Finishes


TJ (Tom) Sutliff from TJ's Finishes said to let everybody know that now is the time to get that expert gun finishing taken care of before the hunting season rush. TJ and his son Ken (when he's home from the Navy) have been hunting with us for a number of years now. Ken can't make it this year, he's taking Seal training with the Navy, but looking forward to the 2004 season. You can contact TJ at 800-342-8328. He also indicated he can arrange to have just about any of your gunsmithing needs taken care.