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11/18 Checked with the Forest Service Ranger Station in Fairplay (719-836-2031) on camp fires and they said there are no bans at this time, but please be careful and do no leave the fire unattended.

11/19 Another great day in the Tarryalls, not a cloud in the sky.

Called Henry and he said he didn't think he was going to make this hunting season. He fell while trying to get into his motorhome, said he was not hurt and everything is OK, he might try and make it up for the late December season (L2).

Coyotes still howling at night, sure must be a bunch of them. Spent the day bore sighting and cleaning my rifle.

11/20 Drove the north area again today. The only track I seen were about a mile above the Miller ranch on the LP road, it looked like they were headed for the black timber above Dunlap.( Bob Z- take note - they will be waiting for you).

Lot of firewood gatherers, they park just about anyplace, look out for them on the blind curves. Seen a bad accident last year on the LP road about 3 miles east from the summit of LP pass. A logging truck hit a New Toyota SUV on a blind curve. The SUV was still there, could have been some serious injuries or death, the top on the drivers side was crushed.

11/21 Low last night was 18 the high today was 43. Got a screw in left front tire and went into Fairplay to get it fixed. That garage next to the NAPA store took care of it right away. Took them about thirty minutes to fix it and check the other tires. A good place to do business.

11/22 It snowed about 4 inches last night. Jill and Kurt stopped by, had a good visit with them. Kurt was full of new hunting stories.

11/23 Paul H Called and said his dad John was in the hospital and would not make the hunting trip this year. He went in last Thursday, and is home now ( the 23rd). Paul was going to try and make it, he has a licenses for the L1 season.

Drove the 39 and LP road areas and no sign of elk tracks, about 2 inches or so of new snow. No tracks on the LP road. One guy had a couple coyotes in the back of his truck.

Not much snow on the Cones or the Tarryalls, can still see lot of rock, just not enough snow or cold weather to bring them down.

It was about 14 below last night, that's about 45 below zero considering the chill factor and never got above zero all day today. Sure need more snow. (Didier you'll have to do the conversion, I don't think I remember the formula to convert to Celsius, you'll have to do the conversion, but 45 below F is cold.)


From DOW Insider

Despite being home to the largest elk herd in North America and offering plenty of additional opportunity through additional licenses, preliminary results would indicate that harvest rates during Colorado’s 2003 big game season didn’t reach the high expectations of both hunters and biologists. Never the less, there will be no special post season hunts offered to adult hunters who didn’t fill their tags during their designated season.

Unseasonably mild weather lasting through the first three of Colorado’s four rifle seasons gave the state’s elk herd the upper hand allowing them to avoid hunting pressure from most of the state’s nearly 300,000 hunters. While Division of Wildlife (DOW) biologists worked hard to offer as much opportunity to hunters as possible in the form of additional either-sex and cow tags, as always, weather was the major factor for success.

Last year, by emergency regulation, the DOW opened the entirety of game management units 54 and 55 to late season hunters and those who had not filled their antlerless elk licenses to hunt those areas during the late season. This change in regulations along with several other regulation changes throughout the state allowed hunters to harvest significant numbers of elk in those units, bringing the population down to the long-term objective. Consequently, the DOW will not be allowing hunters who did not fill a tag during the regular seasons to hunt during the late season, with the only exception being those with unfilled youth licenses. And only the original portions of these units outlined in the big game regulation brochure will be open for hunting.

Those who applied for and received a license for the late season hunts during the draw last April will have the opportunity after Nov. 12. Also, the late season youth hunts will continue this year. This allows any hunter holding an unfilled youth cow elk tag or either sex elk tag to hunt during any late season cow elk hunt (those hunts that begin after Nov. 12). If the youth holds an unfilled either sex license, the license must be brought to a DOW office and exchanged for a cow elk license.

There are still some leftover licenses left for both deer and elk, but hunters should be aware that many of these are only good for hunting on private land. Please consult the DOW Web site at or call a DOW customer service representative at (303) 297-1192 for additional information.

John Ellenberger, state big game coordinator for the DOW, said he expects the elk harvest to be similar to 2001 levels when just over 42,000 elk were harvested. Ellenberger believes that while low harvest numbers will keep the elk population over objective for the time being, strides will be made in the future. The effort to get elk numbers closer to objective is one that both hunters and the DOW will have to work toward over several seasons. Over the past several years a season with low success rates has been followed by a record year, such was the case in both the 2000 and in 2002 seasons.

“The results from the harvest this year will be factored into next year’s season setting process,” said Ellenberger. “We are in the process of planning that right now and if we have to include more licenses with different seasons that is what we’ll do.”


Will return to Camp on the 18th. Kurt, the cell is 719 650-0340, will try to make it to "Happy Hour" the second Friday after Thanksgiving, the Saturday after the first Friday I have to hunt.
11/10 Arrived TEC 7:15 PM - clear - no snow - temp 30

11/11 Drove the area this morning - one camp at the top of the hill on 844 near "Cole's" camp, that makes three camps in the area, the other two are on 39. Still no indication of elk. Temp 32 - gusty wind. Picked up some more wood over at "Walt's" camp on 140, nobody camped there at this time.

Jason called and said the Pearson's got three elk over in the Flat Tops.

11/12 All area camps have left -- no indication that any elk have been harvested. Temp got down to 18 above lat night, high today was 34. This was the last day for the fourth rifle season.

11/13 Snowed about 2 inches last night, all, had melted by noon. Two sled dog teams in the area working their dogs (pulling ATVs). Watch for them on the roads, they use both sides. They seem to use the area Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. I have seen them on Sundays also.

11/14 low 15 - high 28 -no snow

11/15 Drove into Fairplay -- Forest Service Ranger Station is closed, will call them Monday or Tuesday to see what the status is on having camp fires-- 719-836-2031.

11/16 Must be camped rear a Coyote den, they sang all night. Swear I heard an elk bull bugle early this AM. Don't know what else it could have been.
Low last night was 5 above -- high today was 38.

11/17 Going into COS today, Glaser Gas has propane for $8 per 20 pounder. From the way the coyotes are carrying on there must be lots of rabbit's. Seen Bighorn Sheep in the same area again, they were in about 4 bunches, also seen a couple buck deer on the way out, still no elk. They say the weather might change tonight, with snow and high winds, maybe that will drive them down from the high country.
From DOW Insider

Unseasonably warm, dry weather over much of Colorado this fall has substantially reduced the big-game harvest and the number of animals submitted for testing for chronic wasting disease.

By the end of the third rifle season, hunters had submitted more than 11,000 deer, elk and moose for testing at Colorado Division of Wildlife (DOW) collection sites, compared to 18,000 last year at the same time. So far, less than 1 percent of the animals have tested positive for CWD. The tests are conducted by Colorado State University’s diagnostic laboratory.

The positive animals have been found in areas where the disease was found last year. No animals have tested positive for CWD in the southern part of the state.

“The poor hunting conditions are clearly reducing hunter harvest and, as a result, the number of animals submitted for testing,” said Kathi Green, the DOW’s disease coordinator.

Reports from area biologists around the state underscore the poor harvest.

“Although we have had some significant snowfall at higher elevations the elk have been slow to move into areas where they can be harvested,” reported Darby Finley, the DOW’s area biologist in Meeker.

“The weather is warm again and the elk and deer harvest are below normal,” said Aaron Linstrom, the area biologist in Denver. “We were hoping that the weather would bring hunters and animals together, but that does not seem to be the case.”

Last year, more than 26,000 animals were submitted for testing, about a quarter of the 100,000 deer and elk hunters took during a season where favorable weather led to a record elk harvest.

“This year we were prepared to test as many as 40,000 animals,” Green said. “It appears we will test far fewer animals than that, and perhaps fewer than we tested in 2002.”

Hunters may submit animals at more than two dozens locations around the state. Testing is free for deer and elk and mandatory in the portion of northeastern Colorado where the disease has been established for decades. In the rest of the state, testing is voluntary and hunters pay $15 to have their animals tested.

“Our goal is to have test results back to hunters in less than two weeks and so far, we’ve been able to meet that goal for nearly all the animals that have been tested,” Green said.

A key factor has been the use of a fast, accurate test by CSU’s diagnostic laboratory. Lab Director Barb Powers and her staff first used the ELISA test on a large basis in 2002, winning U.S. Department of Agriculture certification for the procedure.

Of the 83 deer and elk that have tested positive, 59 have been found in the portion of northeastern Colorado where the disease has been established for decades. Past tests have found that about 5 percent of deer and about 1 percent of elk taken by hunters in the northeastern established area test positive for CWD.

In northwestern Colorado where the disease was first found in wild deer and elk in 2002, prevalence in deer and elk from units with sufficient sample sizes averages less than 1 percent.

Submission of moose for CWD testing was mandatory throughout the state this year. Hunters submitted 102 moose for testing this year and 33 in 2002. No moose have ever tested positive for CWD.

Animals that tested positive for CWD have been found in four new game management units, near units that had positive animals in 2002. The new positive units are 17, 24, 27 and 521.

“None of these are surprises because we’ve already found CWD in animals in adjacent units,” said DOW Veterinarian Mike Miller, one of the nation’s top CWD experts.

Chronic wasting disease is a fatal neurological disease of deer and elk. The disease has been found in portions of northeastern Colorado and southeastern Wyoming for more than two decades. It has recently spread to wild animals in western Colorado, central Wyoming, as well as Wisconsin, Nebraska, South Dakota, New Mexico, Illinois, Utah and the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. The disease has been found in captive elk herds in the United States, Canada and South Korea.

Health experts at the Colorado Department of Health, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization have found no connection between CWD and human health. As a precaution, they recommend that diseased animals should not be eaten, especially the brain and the nervous and lymphatic systems, meat that is not normally eaten by humans.



11/7 Arrived TEC 12:30 AM -- about 10,000ft - 30 degrees - no snow.

Seen 30-40 head of Bighorn Sheep on the way up - at the usual place by the big rock.

The weather is dryer than a popcorn puffball. Seen a couple rigs on their way out that had a cow each.

11/8/ Temperature got up to about 38 today - last night it got down to 5 above. No hunters came past camp today - the 4th season started today, no camps in the area that I'm aware of. Made several calls on the cell from inside the camper -- works great (digital service). No indication the migration has started -- we need some snow and colder weather.

TJ will be up tomorrow and I'm going to ride back with him to get my truck. I'll be able to check more of the area once I get the truck up here. Still wont be able to tell much unless we get some snow -- it's on its way I'm sure.

11/9 TJ and Lea made it up, we cut a load of fire wood and drove most of the area. Only two other camps in the area one by the pens and the other about a mile on 39 from where I turn off. We checked some of the Ranch area around Jefferson and no indication of any elk herds. Will talk to my "ole buddy" in Jefferson when I get the truck here. Seen a couple Deer near Tarryall on the way out.

The low temp last night was 5 above but the sun has been out most of the day - as usual snow flurries swirling around the tops of the distant 12,000 Ft mountains, the typical great Colorado weather. Leaving this PM and will return in the morning.



Leaving for Tarryall This morning about 10AM, will be back down Sunday evening and report on the migration and weather. Will return Monday morning. Plan to camp in the same spot as last year, if you don't find me there I'll be on that same road someplace.



Wyoming Update

Talked to Kenney, Don S got a cow south of Rock Springs, Kenney got a shot at a bull, but missed, the weather was unusually hot for this time of the year and the elk haden't moved into that area yet. That was the only elk they seen. Said he's going to have to get his elk in Colorado this year. He drew a Colorado tag for the season after Christmas. Said everybody else was doing just fine, Don still recovering from his bout with the West Nile and Swede was doing OK. Kenney said after a summer of arrowhead hunting he was able to throw his walking stick away and is doing OK without it. He found several nice arrowheads.

He said they got about a foot of snow about a week or so ago and it has been snowing off and on since, they have about ten inches on the ground now.



Sounds good to me, I may want to ride back down with you guys Sunday if I don't find somebody to drive my Ranger up when I leave Friday or Saturday




TJ will be driving the school bus Saturday,so, count on us being there Sunday. If there is a change in plans, please let us know.



Mama bear inherited thieving way from mother

Fairplay: A black bear has been raiding residences in Park County, and wildlife officers say she might be the daughter of the "coffee creamer bear" that was shot and killed two years ago for ransacking more than 30 dwellings in search of her favorite treat.

"A sow with three cubs is breaking into trailers using the same M.O. as the coffee creamer bear that also had three cubs," Division of Wildlife spokesman Todd Malmsbury said Tuesday.

The coffee creamer bear started raiding cabins and trailers east of Como, a small town 60 miles southwest of Denver.

In 1999 she was responsible for 30 break-ins, sometimes tearing off doors, overturning refrigerators, ripping cupboards from walls and ransacking the contents in search of the powdered creamer.

Wildlife officials trapped and shot her in September 2000.

"At first I was angry at her for not staying out of trouble. Then I got mad at the people here for refusing to clean up their trash, hummingbird feeders, dog food and barbecue grills that attracted her," district wildlife officer Mark Lamb said.

Lamb thinks the bear might have taught her habit to three cubs, one of which might be on the rampage now with her own three cubs. Wildlife officers haven't decided how to handle them.

Bears that are trapped and removed from populated areas are tagged, and if they have to be captured a second time, they are killed.

Wildlife officials are concerned about a black bear that has been following joggers and hikers near Chautauqua Park in Boulder.

"This is pretty obviously an animal that has been fed by people and is habituated," Division of Wildlife area manager Mark Leslie said.
AP story from the Gazette

The Mama Bear referred to above made a couple raids on Grant M's camper and trailer causing some serious damage. I guess the moral of this story must be: the way the bears are proliferating and trained by their mothers you better not have coffee creamer packets in your camper or you might have an unwanted visitor. Grants cabin is a short distance from the Stagestop Bar and Restaurant.



Stagestop is open, I had lunch there during 2nd rifle. ( drinks, the good kind and food ) I will work on weather reports and game reports. Light snow and colder temps today.
I am taking a 15 year old elk and deer hunting this season, at dusk today a big bull and two cow moose stood up about a 100 yards out in front of us in some willows at dusk outside Breckenridge, his first moose in the wild.

Season Dates (Remaining)

3rd Rifle Nov 1-7
4th Rifle Nov 8-12
L1 Late Rifle Nov 29-Dec 7
L2 Late Rifle Dec 27-Jan 4

Always check DOW for changes.



I'm going to try and con Kurt F into giving us an occasional weather & snow report during hunting season, this would be especially useful a day or to before the different seasons start. This could include general weather and road condition information for the South Park area. The weather can be real spotty in the area and any report should be used carefully. Sometimes the roads can be especially slick without much snow or real cold weather. If Kurt goes along with this he can send the reports via email and I'll post them. I can show him how he can post an item the next time I'm up there. Any hunting information or elk migration information would also be greatly appreciated.

I have had several ask if the Stagestop Bar and Restaurant is open. I'll try to find out and post that information in the next few days.