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Applications must be postmarked by April 6, 2004.

Tom and I made a day trip to the Tarryalls this past Sunday, Feb 22, 2004. Didn't see any elk, the snow varied from three to ten inches. Didn't even see elk in the ranch areas around Jefferson. Did see a long haired coyote, he would have made a great rug or wall hanging. Lot of elk tracks where we camped last year, thay might have been a few days old, also a few fresh tracks near the pens.

As usual a few big horn sheep were near the big rock by the lake.



Please send me a copy of that picture and tell me who everybody is, I can't really tell from the e-mail. We got 3 cows two days before the late season ended, drug them down to the road with snowmobiles and loaded them in the truck with a front end loader. About 50 head hanging around town and another 100 down by the campground, 1 nice bull down by Placita.

Went to the Redstone sled dog races this last weekend, it was fun and we have enough snow this year, it was cancelled last year for lack of snow, we had a lot in our area but they didn't want to move to another place.

Snowing now, the high tomorrow is supposed to be 1 degree. We've got two bald eagles that fly up the river almost everyday, can't imagine what they can find up here, the river is frozen almost everywhere. Saw a King Fisher the other day and he seems to be doing well though.

Going to call Henry tonight. Have you seen him lately?

Going to the Redstone Inn tonight for Valentines with Les?




Always good to hear from you.

The group by the tent -- is Jason and his two children -- Ryan and Haley. The guy with the calf in the back of the truck is Jerry T, a fourth generation relative of Rusty's brother Shorty. Tom S is in the picture with Jason, he's the guy in the center. Tom and his son, Ken, hunted from your camp a couple times, they tent camped. Tom has some kind of gunsmith business (TJ's Finishes). The pair by the truck is Jason and myself. I believe I mailed you a copy of this picture, you probably wont get it for a few days.

Some of the people that live in the area are trying to convince the DOW to have an optional cow or bull licenses this year. I hope the DOW does not go along with that for a while, it would be kinda nice to have some near trophy class bulls for a change. I haven't seem many that were much more than spikes for a number of years. Charlie's group got the last big bull that I can remember, and that was over twenty some years ago. I believe Terry and Ed got a couple about the same time. Seen a big bull a couple years ago, he had a big body but only big knobby stubs for horns I think he was considered as a bull or cow.

We're getting a little snow now -- something like 6-8 inches on the ground at this time, the weather guys are indicating it's about finished snowing for a while, it's supposed to get below zero tonight.


CANON CITY --- A man arrested on suspicion of illegally killing a Rocky Mountain big horn ram could face fines of more than $100,000 if he is found guilty of the charges prosecutors are considering.

James Michael Barrett, 29, was arrested Nov 15 after he called Colorado State patrol asking for a road kill permit. Drivers who accidentally hit and kill a game animal can apply to the Division of Wildlife for the permit to use its meat, division spokesman Todd Malssbury said.

A trooper was sent to Barrett's car on Red Canyon Road and found a trophy-quality ram weighing about 350 pounds. The trooper called the Department of Wildlife and Barrett was arrested.

District Wild Manager Dean Riggs said Barrett might be charged with unlawfully taking a big horn sheep without a valid licenses, unlawfully hunting outside an established season and unlawful possession of a trophy animal. The DOW will not discuss investigation details.

The possession charge alone carries a possible fine between $1000 and $100,000, one year in jail or both.

The surcharge on the fine for possession of a trophy animal is a additional $25,000, Riggs said.

Barrett is free on $5,000 bond and scheduled for a pretrial conference Jan 8, said the Fremont County Clerk's Office.


This was copied from the Gazette dated Nov 22, 2000 -- anybody hear the outcome on this.