D.C. Memorial dedication for the big one
Date: 5/29/2004 7:20:50 PM Mountain Daylight Time
To: Henry %DEE
Watched the Memorial program for the big one today. Looked real hard to see if I could spot you in the crowd, but all the guys looked the same, all wrinkled, hunkered over, wearing weird hats and looking for a place to pee. The ceremonies were rather impressive. Saved a couple articles from the Gazette for you about the Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Group and the D.C. Ceremonies. Ft Carson also had a very impressive memorial dedication for the 45 or so troops that were lost in the Iraq war. A lot of tears were shed, many of the families live in the area or at Ft Carson and a number came from out of state. They dedicated a black marble stone like the Vietnam memorial with all the names of those lost in Iraq. Rumor has it that a lot of the troops will be returning to Iraq before the year is out.
Talked to Grant the other day and he's all setup to use his laptop and cell phone to get on the Internet. Unfortunately he can't use it from the camp ground, has to go down the road a ways to get a good digital signal. He got me straightened out as to where I can get the cables and software, but can't get it for the phone model I now have. My contract runs out this next month, will try and get a new phone that's compatibale. I guess if you're not used to high speed broad band, it's not bad. I'm still using dial-up at home so it shouldn't make that much difference to me.
Charlie was out counting the cars that passed his place on Circle last week, so I stopped and chatted with him a while. He's wired for stereophonic sound now, so you can't sneak up on him any more. He was in good spirits, and like the rest of us, he stays in shape running to the doctors.
We should know this next week if we are successful in the elk draw. I put in for a buck for area 50 which includes 500 and 501, also put in for the L1 elk season. Haven't hunted deer for a good many years, Ketter is going to have to eat it if I get one.
Never did hear if Cole got his turkey, thought maybe you beat him to it again and you and Dick had another turkey dinner.
John is doing great, still hitting the books on his computer, at his age (older than dirt) he's getting very good at it. He has a new digital camera now and is honing up on that also, all that learning activity keeps him off the streets and out of the bars.
Also talked to Tom and he indicated he and his son, Kenney, and friend put in for a group elk draw for the L2 season. Kenney will be home on leave from the Navy for the hunting season.
Got a new 20-60X80mm spotting scope, should be in good shape to keep track of the elk this year, took some pictures using it and they didn't come out too bad.
Give me a call when you get home.