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07 Christmas 861A Posted by Hello


07 2003 886B Posted by Hello


07 Kurt ec412A Posted by Hello
07 Cole ec419A Posted by Hello
07 Larry lh129A Posted by Hello
07 John Pat ec37a Posted by Hello
07 Rusty Madelyn Artie Posted by Hello
07 Badger Mountain ec421AB Posted by Hello


07 Ed Glenn Donnie Kenney Cole cec01a Posted by Hello



Subj: Re: Dog
Date: 6/21/2004 5:45:57 PM Mountain Daylight Time
From: Grant
To: Glenn
Received from Internet: click here for more information

Hi Glenn

Yes she was Cindy 1 or the first and original and my mother was still alive then and named her Cinderella De Coco Grant. That was the name that was on her AKC papers. And Cole bought her brother out of the same litter. Remember Cecil that was Cindy ones brother, Buster's dog Duke was Cindy's dad and Cathy's (Buster's wife) sister was the breeder and she had a golden lab, Cole was down their pheasant hunting and that is when he got Cecil from Buster it came out of that same litter naturally. Talk to you later

Grant and Cindy
----- Original Message -----
From: Glenn
To: Grant
Sent: Saturday, June 19, 2004 1:31 PM
Subject: Dog

I've got a picture of the dog you had before Cindy -- was she named Cindy also? I'll post it on the Tarryall Elk Camp Blog next.

072003-371ac Posted by Hello
07Homestead-785 Posted by Hello
07Brooks Camp -02 Posted by Hello
07Alaska-Glenn-Ketter-12A Posted by Hello
07Clem-Terry-Henry-Kenney11A Posted by Hello
072003elk894 Posted by Hello


Weekend trip to the Tarryall's -- June 12th and 13th.

Made a two day trip to the Tarryall's this past weekend to check out cell phone signal levels. Found signals in our regular camping areas adequate to use my laptop. Will give it a try this fall when I go back.

Lot of campers and quite a bunch of horseback riders. Too much activity to see any elk cows and their new calves. They must be up in the high areas where it's quieter and the grass is greener. It's sure dry and dusty at the lower elevations. The Forest Service has placed restrictions on camp fires and smoking. You can get current information on campfire rules from the Forest Service Ranger Station in Fairplay, the telephone number is - 719-836-2031.

To get larger pictures for printing place your pointer on the picture and click. To find pictures that you previously seen and are no longer on the current page check the Archives on the right side bar. If you can't find them let me know via the above email address and I'll repost them or mail them to you.

The Stage Stop is open for eats and refreshments.

It looks like the Tarryall Reservoir is filling, not sure all the construction is complete, looked to me like they had more work to do on the dam. Not much water in it yet and signs are still up prohibiting fishing and use of the camp grounds.

The DOW has contracted with land owners along the Tarryall River to allow fishing access, you must pay a fee and have a permit in your possession for access. The fishing must have been good, seen more fishermen along the river than I've ever seen before. Check the DOW web site by linking on the right side bar. I don't know if they have maps, but it looked like access was all along the river where the fishing club originally had exclusive use. It was well posted and in many places they had new steps to cross over the fence.



0701A Posted by Hello
Wyoming Report

Kenney S and Donnie T report that the Colorado group made their annual fishing trip to Wyoming this past weekend. Caught lots of fish, had a fish fry and even brought a few home. Like every palace else in the west the reservoir water levels are way down and in some cases this is making the fishing great.

Subj: Re: Cell to Laptop
Date: 6/14/2004 7:04:31 PM Mountain Daylight Time
From: Donnie T
To: Glenn

Well all I can say if you take your boat up there I do not know where you would put it. The lake was down over fourty feet in two weeks. It went down over eight feet down the bank in the two days we were there. When we go back in September for antelope hunting there may be no such thing as a lake but only the river to fish, we saw lots of new born antelope and even some fawn deer who still had there spots but no elk.
Thats it for now. Donnie



#12 Posted by Hello
Draw Results

A quick survey indicates that about 25% of the applicants that put in for the L2 season made the draw. All but one that put in for the L1 season were successful. Most applicants put in for the L2 season.

Click the DOW Hunting site on the right side bar if you want to express your concern about bull harvest. I personally would like to see the bull harvest in our areas of interest be held down. We might stand a better chance in harvesting some larger bulls. I seen some last year, not many, that should be in the trophy category this year.
ComboelkA  Posted by Hello


Larry, Kurt and Charlie Posted by Hello


DOW Draw results are available. Click the "DOW Hunting" on the right side bar. I had to use my name, date of birth and zip to make it work.


Tarryall Big Horn Sheep Posted by Hello


Combojefferson Posted by Hello