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"Wild" Old Black Horse -

This black horse and his white buddy roamed our hunting area for a number of years. The white horse disappeared, I believe, in the late 1980s, the black one was around until sometime in the mid 1990s. I don't believe any hunters ever got closer than 50-100 yards to either one, they often surprised hunters on game trails, and would immediately disappear in the black timber. I've heard that local ranchers had tried to entice the black horse into their corrals with hay in the winter time, but the old horse would get so close and then take off like a bat out of Hades. Both horses must have spent some tough winters in the foothills where the winter temperatures run 20-30 degrees below zero often with a foot or two of snow on the ground. During the hunting season both horses looked healthy and well fed. I never had a chance to see them in the early spring. They must have looked rather tough after a winter of pawing at the snow to get to the grass to feed.

Wyoming Big game success rate good so far - by Carole CloudwalkerCody Enterprise - Cody,WY,USA... black bear have been good. But success in moose and antelope hunts has lagged, and deer hunting "is quite slow," McWhirter said". ...

Backroads with Ron &Raven"ESPN - USAJust recently I returned from Colorado's Black Mountains with more elk hunting information. By adding my most recent elk experience ...

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