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2004 L1 Season Elk Herd (South Park)
07-elk 2004A.jpg

December 24, 2004
Big game seasons set through 2009 Durango Herald - Durango,CO,USA... with the flexibility to allow some units to have different opening dates to avoid pronghorn hunting during regular deer and elk seasons. ...

December 23, 2004
After the cold (to minus 13f below zero) and snowy weather we've had in the past few days there shouldn't be any elk left in the high country, most of them more than likely made it down to the ranch area. The local (CS) long-range forecast indicates that the daytime temperatures should remain in the forties through January third with no snow forcasted. Maybe that will bring them back to the foothills. Based on the local weather we've had in recent days, I suspect the low temperatures in the hunting area would be in the minus 20-30 degree (f) range. Hard to tell how much snow they've had, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a foot or more. During the L1 season I didn't make it to Dunlap, I know there were elk there, I seen where they came from 50 and made it to Lee Gulch and Dunlap, also seen where they crossed Rock Creek (JV ranch) to the FR 39 area, it looked like most must have made it to the Jefferson ranches. Dunlap is often quiet enough, that just maybe, some of them stayed around. Hopefully the last week of December and early January forecasted weather warm-up will bring the rest back to the foothills for the L2 season.

December 20, 2004

A rapidly growing elk herd on the East side of the San Luis Valley has prompted the Colorado Division of Wildlife (DOW) to consider changes in how it manages elk in the Valley. For more information click here: News - Department of Natural Resources

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