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The 2006 Colorado Big Game and Sheep and Goat Brochures are now available to the public at license agents, Colorado Division of Wildlife Offices (DOW) and on the DOW Web site. Hunters who applied for a big game (elk, deer, pronghorn, moose and bear), sheep or goat license should have received a copy of the respective 2006 brochure in the mail. Those who wish to apply for a preference point or license for these species will have until Midnight on April 4 to have their application postmarked or apply using the DOW Web site. Hunters who use the Web site to apply are encouraged not to wait until the last minute to apply due to possible complications brought on by a high volume of Web site users.In an effort to reduce the number of applications with errors, the DOW is encouraging hunters to apply for licenses using the DOW Web site. The Web site guides the applicants through the process and makes it much more difficult for applicants to use incorrect information. Applying on the Web site will help eliminate some of the most common errors that occur on paper applications.

There were several oversights and issues that may need clarification that were printed in the 2006 Big Game Brochure. For more information visit the DOW Web site at

Application Correction Request

There are no guarantees that all correction requests can be accommodated. However an effort will be made to complete every request. The DEADLINE to receive correction requests is April 14, 2006. After this deadline no letters or emails for correction will be accepted. Application correction requests must be submitted to on or before April 14, 2006. Please include your transaction number cid name DOB and address with your email or letter and provide a detailed description with your requested correction. Please do not email the CO webmaster to update your application(s). Requests submitted to the CO webmaster for application updates will not be processed.

Dentry: Drop in hunters' success rate no shock

Dentry: Drop in hunters' success rate no shock after 2004 bonanzaRocky Mountain News - Denver,CO,USA... The new survey data reveal insights into which of four rifle elk-hunting seasons are more likely to lead to success. No surprise ...


Elk are leaving public land

Isolated elk researchers enjoy social event of the season Montana State University - United States... Studies have found, too, that elk are leaving public land earlier during hunting season and moving onto private land, Garrott said. ...

Wildlife experts collar elk along U.S. Highway 287
for a Montana State University research project.
(MSU photo by Jay Thane).
March 16, 2006

Talked to the avalanche forecaster over here today, he said since last Wednesday we've received 47 inches of snow. Might see you April 13 on my way to Kansas for turkey hunting, will stop by Henry's, he said he may want to go. Hope you are well.
March 17, 2006

All is well here, may see Henry Friday night. Let me know if you plan to come down in April. Have you heard if Grant's going to make the trip this spring, it's about time for him to leave Arizona on his annual catfish fishing trip.

Watch your backside,



Public protests wolf-kill proposalRocky Mountain News - Denver,CO,USABOISE - A national campaign against Idaho's plan to kill 75 percent of the wolf pack that's roaming a popular elk-hunting area generated tens of thousands of e ...

Throwing his hat in the ringCraig Daily Press - Craig,CO,USA... herds. The booming elk and deer populations have spawned a hunting economy that pumps thousands of dollars into Craig every fall. ...


Public protests wolf-kill proposal

Roan wildlife at risk
Grand Junction Sentinel - Grand Junction,CO,USA
... "That's when the elk are going to disappear," he said. That may also be when hunting outfitters choose to disappear as well, according to Keith Goddard ...

Public protests wolf-kill proposal
Rocky Mountain News - Denver,CO,USA
BOISE - A national campaign against Idaho's plan to kill 75 percent of the wolf pack that's roaming a popular elk-hunting area generated tens of thousands of e ...


Kenosha Mountains Elk Herd
07-0475A (February ,2004

Elk in the Winter
Harems break up when the rut ends. Bulls of all ages may gather in "bachelor herds" or go off on their own to feed and gain strength for the winter. Feeling weak from the rut and knowing their antlers make them stand out, the bulls stand a better chance against predators by hiding out by themselves or in small groups,cows and calves regroup in herds led by older, experienced cows. The mature, "lead cow" usually barks alarms and leads the rest of the group away from dangers like hungry bears, mountain lions, coyotes and hunters. The wolf is not much of threat to elk in Colorado, only one wild gray wolf has been observed in the state in the past 70 years (Howling At A Waning Moon: Gray wolf found dead in Colo ). In the Western United States lead cows also guide the herd from their summer range in the Kanosha and Tarryall Mountains to their winter range in the foothills and ranching areas of South Park, and then in the early spring migrate back to their high altitude summer range for calving. Not all elk migrate like they do in the Kenosha, Tarryall and other areas of the Rocky Mountains. If winters are not so severe that they have enough food, water, cover and space, elk will stay in the same area year around.