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Elk in the Summer

Many elk spend the summer where they find green grasses, cool breezes and shady resting areas. Elk do not like much heat, and will often soak in rivers and streams too cool down and keep the insects away.

All summer long the bull elk’s antlers grow larger, still covered with fuzzy velvet. They like to wander the hills by themselves, while the cows and calves spend the summer together in herds.. The calves usually stay close to one cow that is their “babysitter”, and if danger comes near the calves follow their babysitter to safety. Their mothers will look for them after the danger goes away.

The calves spend the summer months eating and growing, because when winter comes they will have to be strong to withstand the cold and snow. The adult elk also must gain weight for the coming winter. They must have lots of fat for energy and insulation to keep them warm.

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