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2006 L2 Season Jan 2007


You thought you had a difficult hunt last year! Well, we hunted 9 days and only got a cow and a calf on the last day of the L2 season, but we had a wonderful time in the Tarryall area. I think Charlie enjoyed the challenge of elk hunting and being in elk camp too. Other folks knew how to hunt and I believe 4 elk were harvested by Wednesday. We were the only camp after Wednesday.

Beautiful weather in-between snow storms, balmy for South Park at only -12 degrees for the low. The L2 season had Blizzards and blowing snow for bookends.

There were only 3 camps total for the season, some day hunters from Denver and of course the folks with cabins/houses in the area. More elk and tracked-up snow than I have ever seen in the past. I have never seen more bulls than this year. Six times on six different days I had safety-off and cross-hairs on spikes/rag-horns/5x5 or better in the black timber; we had to be very careful. We even had a pet bull below camp that let us get within 30-40 feet without running off. Remember, we did not harvest cows until the last day, so it was both frustrating and amazing at the same time.

We got stuck on the way in and had to chain-up/dig out and set up camp under lantern light. On the way out, we had to excavate snow drifts and almost didn't make it out. I broke a chain and had to wire the broken links together. At one point I needed a tow chain for grade at the fork of 56 and 39.

We saw elk every day, even though the majority were bulls. Charlie got to see 4 elk on the hillside, stalked them to the edge of the timber, only to discover they were bulls. If they would have been cows, he would have had his elk, but he got the idea of spotting/stalking. The next day we kicked 6 elk out of one of the black timber stands north of Robbin Spring only to discover they were all bulls (4x4 or better).

You can get a sense of the hunt by the attached pictures. The Lord blessed us on the last day!


See Jan 25 2007 Posting for story


Photo Courtesy Bob Z
Story to follow


Click for full story. "commercialization" of big game hunting on public lands

Gunnison Country Times - Gunnison,CO,USA"The brokers were selling the public's deer and elk, and they've made a lot of money off it," he said. the landowner with a hunting voucher. ...



Thanks for the very nice story and pictures on (click here
Tarryall elk Camp
L2 season (Jan 2007)

I didn’t get all the pictures posted, will do that in a few days after we return from Minneapolis (John is graduating from Law School).

Sounds like they had a real exciting time. Wish I could have been able to be there. Derek got his cow, nice big one. He tented it in the sub zero weather, don’t think he wants to do that again, didn’t have a heater, really roughed it.


The pictures are of a man who works for the US Forest service in Alaska and his trophy bear.

He was out deer hunting last week when a large grizzly bear charged him from about 50 yards away. The guy emptied his 7 mm Magnum semiautomatic rifle into the bear and it dropped a few feet from him. The big bear was still alive so he reloaded and shot it several times in the head.

The bear was just over one thousand six hundred pounds It stood 12' 6" high at the shoulder, 14' to the top of his head. It's the largest grizzly bear ever recorded in the world.

Of course, the Alaska Fish and Wildlife Commission did not let him keep it as a trophy, but the bear will be stuffed and mounted, and placed on display at the Anchorage airport to remind tourists of the risks involved when in the wild.

Based on the contents of the bears stomach, the Fish and Wildlife
Commission established the bear had killed at least two humans in the past 72 hours including a missing hiker.

The US Forest Service, backtracking from where the bear had originated, found the hiker's 38-caliber pistol emptied. Not far from the pistol was the remains of the hiker. The other body has not been found.

Although the hiker fired six shots and managed to hit the grizzly with four shots (the Service ultimately found four 38 caliber slugs along with twelve 7 mm slugs inside the bear's dead body), it only wounded the bear and probably angered it immensely.

The bear killed the hiker an estimated two days prior to the bear's own death by the gun of the Forest Service worker.

Think about this:

If you are an average size man; You would be level with the bear's navel when he stood upright. The bear would look you in the eye when it walked on all fours! To give additional perspective, consider that this particular bear, standing on its hind legs, could walk up to an average single story house and look over the roof, or walk up to a two story house and look in the bedroom windows.


Click on picture to enlarge

I will try to get a better story but his friend shot the mule by Lake City and the elk in west elk wilderness. Same season too. The mule was shot just out of camp and the elk was the smaller of the two that were together.
5 day season
two trophies
Subject:Re: L2

Date:1/8/2007 4:55:08
PM Mountain Standard Time

hey glenn as you know i got my elk i got her early thursday morning and found a heard of 20 of them grazing, they ran into the aspens, and when one came back out i got her in the sholder about 200 yards it was a great hunt and i had alot of fun i will bring you the pictures when i get a chance i will give you a call did anyone else that was up there get one.


Click for complete story.

US 285 open despite blizzard - offically, 19 inches hits Bailey

Fairplay Flume - Bailey,CO,USAThe situation was completely different in Fairplay, the county seat of Park County. Rip Ramsay, visitor information specialist with the US Forest Service in ...