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Cole update

Wed, 7 Feb, 2007

From: Kurt


Hi Glenn,

I thought I'd pass this on to you. Cole ended up in the hospital a couple of weeks ago after running equipment for a full day. It turned out he had blood clots in his legs that moved around and got in his lungs.


Feb 6 Cole update

No bad news, but still a long road ahead.
We have established that all care will be under the direction of the attending internist Dr Al Saliman. We are very happy to be under "Dr Al's" advise and care. He told us today that it will be 1 to 2 months of observation to determine what permanent damage to heart and lungs may have occurred. In the meantime Cole is not going back to work any time soon and will begin a modified exercise program of walking outside while on oxygen and some stationary biking.
He will be on the blood thinner Coumidin for life and he is still working to get his clotting levels stabilized with this drug. We have home health care to administer the blood tests so we don't need to drive to Glenwood everyday. WHEW!
THANKS again to one and all for thoughts and prayer, it truly means so much,

Cole & Leslie

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