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TEC Slide Show


Anonymous said...

November 10,2007

Howdy Glenn;
You sure have some good hunting pictures. They remind me of the good old days when I used to hunt deer and elk in the Rock Creek area 501 just South of Kenosha pass. I got most of my elk with my trusted ole 50 caliber muzzle loader. Wish I could do that again. Thanks for sharing your pictures.
Missed you last month hope to see again on the 30th cosnug meet.

Glenn said...

january 26, 2008

Merry Christmas to you too!! Sorry about being a little late.

Talked to Bobby the other day and he said his bunch filled the L1 season. Ketter, Dereck and I were the only ones I know that were dumb enough to hunt the L2 season again. Dereck got his cow, nice big one. Lot of snow and cold again this year, saw 22 below one day. Saw a lot of game and some nice mature bulls. We stayed in Fairplay again, it's sure nice to come back to a nice warm cabin and hot meal. I'm still recovering from my back problem, it's coming along pretty good. Maybe next year I'll be able to get out and do some real hunting, might try for a bull tag, sure see a lot of them up there anymore.

Cole, thanks for the pictures of the Montana street gang, posted them on the Tarryall Elk Camp slide show at: they are sure healthy looking bulls, must be from the Yellowstone area.

If you happen to be going to Cabelas you might want to check out the coupons that are available just below the hit counter on The other blogs I have also have links to coupons, just below the hit counters, most are well known outdoors equipment outfitters. I've seen some pretty good deals avaiable from these links.


Glenn said...

Hi George WE talked about what a sweepboat is like so here are a few photos of the modern sweepboat and the Salmon River. The original sweepboats were built of wood and made a one way trip down the Salmon to Lewiston delivering mining supplies and provisions through the canyon with an occasional passenger. Full trip passage from Salmon to Lewiston cost $1000 in 1920 , so it's a deal today. The first photo is at launch at Corn Creek . Boat fully loaded with all gear and provisions for 12 people for 5 days, with room left over for a jeep. It was done, with trucks also , on the old wooden sweepboats.Second shot from deck while I sweep. Next, the sweep after we found it 2 miles down from camp. It slipped its mooring during the night. All was well after a 20 minute extraction. The first time Wayne ,the owner, lost a boat in 47 years of river work. Its also why I always double tie my boat. Next two shots of the canyon on a late August morning. Then, Wayne Johnson, owner of Salmon River Rafting Com. using the 7h.p. motor to speed up a slow stretch in the lower canyon 60 miles from Corn Creek. Finally a group shot at Shepp Ranch our last nights stay before being flown out and east to Salmon, a 50 minute flight over the Frank Church Wilderness. Most of the trips are camp trips( we cook etc. ) but this one was a lodge trip food served and nice sleeping arrangements. Easy work for the guides! Also this trip was about a 28 year old woman's desire to boat the Salmon River after two previous attempts that were canceled due to cancer, the prognosis ? Not good.
Our last trip in Sept. was in part to help Idaho Public T.V. film a segment of 30-40 min. on the lodges of the Salmon River due to air in Dec.
Thanks for you and Poco's mug shots. You both probably dream of birds and birdies( the Aussi. type! ) Have a good elk hunt. Rick
Raining so no work on my roof today.