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1 comment:

Glenn said...

Jason to me & Darrel

January 2008

We were invited to hunt on the Half Diamond Ranch which is located in the heart of the King Ranch Encino division. A friends brother owns the ranch. The ranch was loaded with wildlife!!! We were given the opportunity to shoot wild hogs, javelina, and nilgai. Bill set out to shoot something with his bow so he went out for a hog or javelina. I chose to go after a nilgai with my rifle. I sat on a stand for the morning and saw lots of deer but they were not on our list to shoot. Bill missed several opportunities to shoot a javelina with his bow. Then the afternoon came and we where driving through the ranch and saw a nilgai bull in the road and when we got to where I hand an open shot...... Well lets just say I could not get a shot off..... They are10 times more spooky than an elk!!!!!! We had a blast there, saw thousands of quail and hundreds of turkeys. I did get to shoot a wild hog with my rifle. It was about 150lbs. They are very good to eat.

Here are some winter pics from around our house. The ice has been real bad this year and causing lots of flooding. Our house is safe but there are quite a few houses that are in danger of getting wiped out by ice.The bridge is on I-55, the Kankakee usually is about 15+ feet below the bottom of the bridge..... The river is 11 feet above normal. Flood stage is around 6 and moderate damage is around 10. Then you have to add the ice on top of that.......

January 27, 2008


Show your Dad how to use Picasa photo sharing!!

Thanks for the Texas pictures, I put them on the Tarryall Elk Camp blog.
The late hunting season, L2, was a disaster due to all the snow and wind, about everybody I knew got stuck. Bobby and his bunch spent about six hours digging out, Ketter and Derick got some help from somebody with a John Deer-- I think he's the guy that has the cabin (house) on Lost Park road and FR 39. He has been very friendly with the hunters. They did get some shooting.
Tom and his group filled on the L1 season. Not many hunters, I did see a couple nice bulls hanging in one camp along with two bucks.


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